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Great Protein Sources for a Vegan Diet

We all know that protein is essential for the proper growth, development, and repair of the human body, however, there’s a widely held misconception that being vegan means you will struggle to get enough protein in your diet (or any depending on who you speak to!). This idea has been jumped upon by the meat industry and literally rammed down our throats (sorry for the pun). We have all spoken to people who have casually claimed that they rarely eat fruit or vegetables but when you mention that you’re vegan, a grief-stricken look will be cast upon their face along with the dreaded question; “But how do you get protein?!”

Whilst you could be tempted to reply with “a whole lot easier than you get fiber”, it is a valid question because from a young age most of us are taught that vitamins come from fruit and vegetables while protein comes from meat, dairy, and eggs. This narrow and incomplete view of nutrition has been given a free pass for many years but people are starting to ask more questions. One of which being ‘how do herbivores get enough protein if animal products are the only source?’.

The answer, as many of you know, is that protein can be found in abundance from a range of plant based sources. It’s easy for a vegan to meet their recommended daily protein intake without having to take supplements.

So, how much protein do we actually need?

It is recommended that you consume 0.8 - 1g protein for each kg of your weight. So a typical man should consume around 56 grams and a typical woman should include around 46 grams of protein per day.

The key to hitting these figures lies in a balanced diet. Nuts are famous for being a great source of protein, but below are some other great sources to include in your daily diet.

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